Summer Shabbat Services — July 9

July 9, 2021, 6:30 pm - 7:45 pm

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Join us for an informal celebration of Shabbat often led by lay leaders. 

Summer Shabbat Service led by guest leader Jay Lavroff and Henry Nerenberg
Friday night at 6:30 p.m.

Register to attend in person where services will be conducted in the round.

Or join via Zoom; Passcode Sh@bbat
Yahrzeits will be read. Prayers will be shown on the screen.

Click here to learn more about connecting via Zoom.
Or you can connect by phone: 929-436-2866; Meeting ID: 983 6550 9442; Passcode 0119497


No Shabbat Morning Services during the summer.
Shabbat morning services will pick up again on September 11.