
“No Indispensable Man”

Posted on July 26, 2024

After decades of public service, a man gives up the mantle of leadership and endorses his second in command. Surrendering the highest office is not easy but the necessity of doing so is apparent to all.  How uncomfortable it was for the whole nation to see his faltering on public display. We could not chalk it up to Continue Reading »

Balak: Self-Esteem and Humor in the Face of Anti-Semitism

Posted on July 19, 2024

Given a choice between choosing a timely sermon topic or a timeless topic, I usually go for the timeless. Eternal values, the human condition and ageless questions that have confronted human beings throughout the millennia are what intrigues me most. But I must say, these past couple of weeks have gotten me thinking about many Continue Reading »

Let Me Introduce Myself

Posted on July 12, 2024

I am so pleased to serve as your Interim Rabbi this coming year. Rabbi Gluck and I have been friends for many years and after only two weeks I have seen how strong a leader he has been. Such a fine staff.  Such high quality lay leaders. Everywhere such intelligence and such hard work. You may wonder how an Continue Reading »

Korach and Machiavelli, A Dangerous Mix

Posted on July 5, 2024

Eight years ago, I had the opportunity to prepare and deliver a drash on Korach, the very same torah portion we read the week. I will begin today by sharing what I wrote back them and will follow up with some additional thoughts as well. (From 2016) This week’s Parsha is Korach, from the book of Continue Reading »

Slach L’cha: Faith Will Bring Us to the Promised Land

Posted on June 28, 2024

A particular anecdote comes to mind when I think about this week’s Torah portion, Sh’lach Lecha. I have shared it before, but it is apropos, and I can’t resist sharing it again.   In the early 1900s, two shoe salesmen from Britain went abroad to seek new markets for their wares. After a week, each Continue Reading »

A Message from Rabbi Gluck on his Retirement

Posted on June 21, 2024

Dear Friends,   At this poignant moment of transition words feel insufficient to express all that is in my heart. My family and I have been so blessed to be embraced by this loving, caring extended Jewish family, and to have the gift of calling this Beit El, this house of God, our Jewish home. You have Continue Reading »

To See the World Through God’s Eye

Posted on June 14, 2024

As the Book of Numbers opens, the Torah is focused on the final preparations for our people’s journey home to the Promised Land. They have crossed the sea to freedom. They have stood at Mt. Sinai to receive the Torah and have renewed their covenant with God. They have built the Tabernacle and consecrated it. Continue Reading »

The “If” of Chance and the “If” of Choice

Posted on May 31, 2024

A few years ago, MetLife ran a clever ad that featured an image of their iconic blimp piloted by Snoopy and the word LIFE that highlighted the middle letters “IF.” Its tag line was, “Metlife, for the IF in LIFE.” Beyond good advertising, the ad offered sage advice. There is wisdom in being prepared for Continue Reading »

Hold Fast to Dreams (1)

Posted on May 24, 2024

On January 8, 1964, President Lyndon Johnson declared war on poverty. He didn’t succeed in eradicating it. He didn’t win the war. But his clarion call did lead to a noble effort. Congress responded by passing the Economic Opportunity Act, which spawned 40 programs to alleviate the plight of the poor by expanding government funding Continue Reading »

Kedoshim — The Hard Truth About Moral Choices

Posted on May 10, 2024

Kedoshim means “holy ones,” and refers in Jewish tradition to those who live holy lives — as this week’s parashah calls us to do — and those who give their lives as martyrs for a sacred cause. As we discussed last Shabbat, Jewish tradition has long struggled with the choice of martyrdom, as ours is a Continue Reading »