Our Giving Philosophy

“Tzedakah and acts of kindness are the equivalent of all the mitzvot of the Torah” – Jerusalem Talmud, Pe’ah 1:1

We believe there is a covenantal relationship between the synagogue and the individuals and families that compose our congregational family.

Temple Beth-El is the community you can count on to educate your children, nurture your soul, help you through life’s challenges, and lift you up to become your best self. Like any community, its strength is derived from the support of its members. At Temple Beth-El, we depend on our members’ generosity to sustain our community.

Gifts to the congregation take many forms:

  • Annual Commitment – Sustains the community through annual giving.
  • High Holy Day Appeal – Bridges the gap between annual giving and the community’s operating expenses.
  • Our Funds – For tribute donations or memorials, you decide where your gift gets directed.
  • Legacy Giving – Ensures the future of the community by creating a Jewish legacy gift.
  • Volunteering – Giving of your time and talents.

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