March 5, 2021 - March 6, 2021, 6:30 pm - 7:45 pm
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Join Rabbi Gluck and Cantor Wallach for Shabbat Online, March 5 and 6
Family Kabbalat Shabbat
Friday, 5:45 p.m.
Join via Zoom; Passcode Sh@bbat
Shabbat Evening Service and Refugee Shabbat:
Friday, 6:30 p.m.
Refugee Shabbat promotes awareness of the immigrant and refugee experience.
Yahrzeits will be read. Prayers will be shown on the screen.
Join via Zoom; Passcode Sh@bbat (Same link for both services)
Click here to learn more about connecting via Zoom. Or you can watch the services via Livestream.
Or you can connect by phone: 929-436-2866; Meeting ID: 983 6550 9442; Passcode 0119497
Shabbat Morning Service with Torah Study
Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m.
Join Rabbi Gluck and Cantor Wallach for our morning worship and Torah study (Parashat Ki Tisa; Exodus 30:11−34:35) Prayers will be shone on screen.
Join via Zoom; Passcode Shalom
Or, you can connect via phone: 929-436-2866; Meeting ID: 693 812 954; Passcode: 049452
Temple Beth-El is a proud partner with HIAS. HIAS’s mission is to protect the most vulnerable refugees, helping them build new lives and reuniting them with their families in safety and freedom. HIAS advocates for the protection of refugees and assure that displaced people are treated with the dignity they deserve. Visit