Starting May 4, most single-use, point-of-sale plastics will be banned in New Jersey, including plastic shopping bags and Styrofoam take-out food containers. But you’ll still see plenty of recyclable plastic: produce bags for loose fruits and vegetables; many shipping bags; and anything prepackaged with film. We’ve checked with a couple of local grocery stores, and Continue Reading »
In the wake of the hostage rescue at Congregation Beth Israel in Texas, so many emotions have been stirring within — relief, fear, gratitude, vulnerability, anger — it’s hard to know what to do with all these feelings and stay grounded. How fitting that tomorrow is our Tikkun Olam Shabbat. Tikkun Olam means “repairing the world,” helping to make Continue Reading »
Helping our community members to live more sustainably – for more information on our initiatives or becoming a supporter email us at Instead of using wrapping paper or gift bags, wrap holiday gifts in a reusable shopping bag as a bonus gift! Help loved ones prepare for the upcoming ban on single use plastic Continue Reading »
On Tuesday April 20 our congregation hosted a virtual conversation with Senator Kip Bateman, co-sponsored by RAC-NJ. Senator Bateman shared his story of how he got into politics, why he stayed, and what he has gained from his public service. And he spoke warmly of his many ties to our Temple Beth-El community. Throughout our conversation, Continue Reading »
“Turn it and turn it, for everything is in it,” said Yohanan Ben Bag Bag, a Jewish sage living and writing in the first century. To him, the Torah encompassed the entire universe, and to understand its wisdom, one must read it over and over, uncovering a new layer of meaning with each turn of Continue Reading »
I am happy to report that the Tu BiShvat Seder on January 26 was a rousing success. For the Social Action component, celebrating the New Year of the Trees, we learned interactively about how we can help the trees by reducing our personal environmental footprint. We had about 80 attendees, each of whom worked on Continue Reading »
This month, we celebrate Tu BiShvat, Jewish Arbor Day, also known as chag ha-ilanot, the Birthday of the Trees, or New Year of the Trees. Tu BiShvat falls on January 21 this year, and our joyful TBE celebration will be held on Saturday, January 26. Because Tu BiShvat falls in the middle of our winter Continue Reading »