Posted on April 26, 2021
On Tuesday April 20 our congregation hosted a virtual conversation with Senator Kip Bateman, co-sponsored by RAC-NJ. Senator Bateman shared his story of how he got into politics, why he stayed, and what he has gained from his public service. And he spoke warmly of his many ties to our Temple Beth-El community. Throughout our conversation, we saw Senator Bateman’s approach of joining personal values with public policy, and got a closer look at his commitments to environmental sustainability, fighting homelessness and hunger, and anti-hazing laws.
If you missed some or all of the conversation, you can view it here:
Conversation with NJ State Senator Kip Bateman – Zoom
Password: $ub7TFH$
If this conversation inspires you to get involved with TBE’s RAC-NJ state advocacy efforts, please contact Liz Cohen or Carol Levison at