
Urban Mitzvah Corps: Recognizing Privilege

Posted on November 13, 2018

This week we participated in a program to help us learn about privilege. In the program, we were asked questions regarding certain privileges we may have and depending on how we answered the questions, we took a step forward or backwards. I found this program very impactful, as it made us more aware of privileges Continue Reading »

Chanukah, O Chanukah, Come Light the Menorah!

Posted on November 13, 2018

Chanukah, the Festival of Lights (chag ha-urim), comes to illumine our homes and give us a spiritual and emotional lift during the dark days of winter. Chanukah celebrations include lighting the chanukiah, the special eight-branchmenorah, each night; eating foods fried in oil, such as latkes (l’vivot) and jelly doughnuts (sufganiyot); singing songs; playing games, especially Continue Reading »

Interfaith Vigil in Solidarity with the Jewish Community of Pittsburgh Rabbi Gluck’s Remarks

Posted on November 13, 2018

We gather tonight with hearts that are broken for the tragic loss of 11 precious souls, men and women who were murdered for the simple fact that they were Jews. It was the deadliest attack on Jews in the history of our nation, but it was not an isolated event. It is only the latest Continue Reading »

Far from the Home I Love: The Jewish Immigrant Story in Song

Posted on November 13, 2018

Once again, the TBE Cantorial Concert Committee, led by Jim and Beth Lavranchuk, is laboring to bring another beautiful musical event to fruition. Our subject is a bit deeper this year, and possibly a little darker. But only by descending is it possible to rise: out of the darkness we hope to bring you light. Continue Reading »

Mai Thanksgiving? What is Thanksgiving?

Posted on November 13, 2018

If the Talmud had a tractate on the holiday of Thanksgiving, it would likely begin like this: “Mai Thanksgiving?” What is Thanksgiving? What is its meaning? What is its purpose? So, what is Thanksgiving? Is it merely an opportunity to gather with family and friends to eat too much turkey and stuffing, maybe watch football, Continue Reading »

Ladles of Love: Soup and Sweet Bread from TBE’s Caring Network

Posted on September 5, 2018

TBE’s Caring Network announces a new initiative to nourish those in need with equal doses of food and caring. The initiative “Ladles of Love” will deliver homemade soup and sweet bread to those in the TBE community who need a little extra care, in times of joy and difficulty. Ladles of Love will be delivered Continue Reading »

Yad b’Yad Jewish Learning and Living — Hand in Hand Through the Jewish Year

Posted on September 5, 2018

Soon we will gather as a community to begin another year of journeying together through the Jewish year, experiencing anew the beauty of Judaism and the joys of Jewish living. The sages of our tradition, so well attuned to the needs of our people, helped make the practical observance of Judaism accessible to all, at Continue Reading »

Happy Birthday, World

Posted on September 5, 2018

As the last hot days of summer pass, Jews around the world prepare for the High Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Rosh Hashanah, literally translated as the “head of the year,” occurs on the first and second days of Tishri. Referred to in the Torah as Yom HaZikaron (day of remembrance) and Continue Reading »

Banot: Beloved Melodies, Beautiful Vision

Posted on September 5, 2018

Normally, this is the time of year when we start gearing up to ask you (the congregation) for lots of things. But it’s my privilege to tell you about a musical gift for you! Due to a wonderfully generous grant from the Temple Beth-El Sisterhood, we will have the great fortune to have Banot for Continue Reading »

20/20 Insight

Posted on September 5, 2018

Sen. Cory Booker describes an “aha” moment in his life that occurred when he was a law student at Yale. Having grown up in North Jersey, he decided that he would live in a housing project in Newark and commute to New Haven, Conn. He was already determined to make a difference in the community, Continue Reading »