Women’s Torah Talk

May 5, 2021, 7:15 pm - 8:15 pm

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Sisterhood invites you to participate in Women’s Torah Talk, an informal discussion of the weekly Torah portion.

Discussion Leader: Irene Lieberman

Torah portion: B’har – B’chukotai; Leviticus 25:1-27:34  Text and the Commentary

Torah Talk is a benefit of Sisterhood membership. Please RSVP to Gayle Skolky at WomensTorahTalk@TempleBethElNJ.org or call 908-963-2077.

Please join us on Zoom even if you haven’t read the Torah Portion.

Zoom link: www.tinyurl.com/TBEWTTMay2021
Meeting ID: 842 4793 0004; Passcode: SistersWTT

Or dial by phone: 929-436-2866
Meeting ID: 842 4793 0004; Passcode: 6165125282