Reproductive Rights Day of Action

October 23, 2022, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

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In conjunction with both WRJ (Women of Reform Judaism) of Atlantic District & Planned Parenthood of New Jersey, Sisterhood of Temple Beth-El invites you to this community-wide event at Temple Emanu-El of Westfield.

As states throughout the country implement laws that severely limit access to abortion we are at a crossroads.  Reform Jews we need to speak up to protect the rights of women and ensure that access to abortion is available to all women, no matter where they live.

At this Day of Action, we will not just learn about the issues at hand but also learn how we can take action to ensure that in New Jersey we have access to the full range of abortion care services and ensure students throughout the state continue to get the sex education information that they need.

This Action Day is just one way you can become part of the collective response to the challenges women throughout this country will be facing as states continue to limit access to abortion. WRJ has also put together the following resource guide if you are looking for other ways to become engaged.

RSVP Required to Cindy at:, Please include your name and that you’re from TBE

Temple Emanu-El is at 756 East Broad St., Westfield