September 27, 2023 - October 20, 2023, All Day
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The Reform Movement through RAC-Ohio is partnering with Ohioans United for Reproductive Rights to protect reproductive freedom through a November ballot amendment. As part of this campaign, our TBE Civic Engagement Committee members are making sure voters know about this important ballot measure during an “off year” election when voter turnout is usually very low.
Temple Beth-El congregants have the opportunity to help get this important message out to Ohio citizens through the current postcard project. As in the past, you can order postcards directly from RAC using the request form below. The kits come in groups of 30. Addresses are provided, as well as a script for the back of the card. The request form address is:
To cover some of the cost of the cards and mailings, RAC asks that those requesting a packet pledge to make a donation. Please contact Irene Lieberman at if you would like the temple to cover the cost of the donation and/or stamps. In any case please let us know you are participating so we can track how many postcards we send from TBE!
Please note that the deadline for mailing the cards to Ohio is October 31. Stay tuned for notice about a postcard writing party at the temple to add some socializing to your writing! Date TBD; postcards and stamps will be available.