May 5, 2024, 7:00 pm
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German Jewish History- Stories of Heroism
Featuring Author, Rabbi W. Jack Romberg
The story of Rabbi Romberg’s beloved great uncle Richard Stern — decorated German soldier in World War I, Jewish resister in Germany during Hitler’s reign of terror, Silver-Star-decorated US Army soldier, and unifier of a diverse family.
Register here or by calling the Federation offices at 908.443.9018
Partner Organizations:
Chabad of Greater Somerset County | Chabad Jewish Center of Southern Somerset County | Chabad of Hunterdon County | Flemington Jewish Community Center | Congregation Kehilat Shalom, Belle Mead | Congregation Knesseth Israel, Bound Brook | JCC Holocaust Memorial & Education Center | Jewish Family Service of Somerset, Hunterdon and Warren Counties | Or Chadash, Flemington | Jewish Center of Northwest Jersey | Temple Beth- El, Hillsborough | Temple Beth El, Somerset | Temple Har Shalom, Warren | Temple Sholom, Bridgewater | Congregation B’nai Israel, Basking Ridge | The Institute of Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Raritan Valley Community College | Canal Walk, Hadassah | Shimon and Sara Birnbaum Jewish Community Center
Jewish LIFE is supported in part by a grant from the Jewish Federation of West-Central New Jersey.