Blood Drive

June 14, 2020, 8:00 am - 1:00 pm

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Blood Drive

Sunday, June 14, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

In response to the desperate need for blood during this public health crisis, TBE is holding another blood drive on June 14. This is long-enough after our successful March blood drive that TBE donors can donate again.

Register online at Search for our drive (Temple Beth-El) by date or zip code, 08844, and scroll down until you find our drive. If you need help registering, contact Jodi Siegal with your full name, your preferred time, telephone number/email and blood type (if known.)

The Red Cross will be using enhanced safety precautions:
1. All donors must be registered in advance. No walk-in donors.
2. Temperature will be taken at the door.
3. Masks are required. Please provide your own.
4. Limited food offerings in the canteen to prepackaged snacks and drinks

Contact Jodi with questions or offers to volunteer in the canteen.