Call For Shomrim

From Kevin Skole:
Like most houses of worship, Temple Beth-El has a Security Committee that reviews our security needs, maintains a relationship with local law enforcement, and yes, provides a form of security during many TBE events. Called the Shomrim (Hebrew for “watchers” or “guards”), we formed this group after the attack on the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. Our objective is not to provide an actual security detail, but to have Shomrim observe the comings and goings of congregants and guests inside and outside of the building and to maintain a visible presence while doing so. We utilize these volunteers during the more attended events, which include religious school. This is why I am writing to you now.

We are always looking for more Shomrim, but we are especially interested in finding ones willing to volunteer during religious school hours. Parents and guardians of children attending school are the perfect people to fill this role.

We are looking for volunteers to “work” primarily on Sunday mornings, although we may occasionally ask for help Wednesday evenings as well. The time commitment is a bit over two hours, as we ask Shomrim to arrive about 15 minutes before school starts and stay until school ends. For example, the Sunday shift would be from 8:45-11:00. During that time, a Shomer generally hangs out by the main entrance or walks around the inside or outside of the building (depending on the weather, of course). The number of shifts one would be asked to cover would likely be no more than three or four times for the entire school year.

Please contact me at to indicate your interest. Some training is required. Training sessions last about 20-30 minutes and will be scheduled at convenient times.

Todah rabbah (thank you very much),
Kevin Skole