What is the meaning of the word ‘Tu’, in Tu BiShvat? The birthday of the trees, or Tu BiShvat, falls on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shvat. In the Hebrew numbering system, letters are used to denote numerical values, with Aleph equal to 1, Bet equal to 2, etc. The teen numbers Continue Reading »
This Shabbat, we study Parshahat Bo from the Book of Exodus. The word ‘Bo’ is translated in English as ‘Come’ and, according to scholars, can be read as ‘come to Pharaoh’ in this Parsha. Bo depicts the last three of the Ten Plagues which descended upon Egypt: a swarm of locusts which destroyed all the Continue Reading »
The Torah contains many examples of what I like to call “billboard moments” – moments when the text distills a kernel of life’s wisdom into a pithy statement you would want to put on a billboard to announce to the world. These include sayings like: “Justice, justice shall you pursue,” or “love your neighbor as Continue Reading »
When the children of Israel were redeemed from Egypt, the Torah describes a moment when they found themselves trapped between Pharaoh’s army, which was gaining on them from behind, and the Sea of Reeds, which was before them. Not knowing what else to do, the people cried out to God, and Moses assured them that Continue Reading »
On Israel’s 73rd Birthday: Yesterday, Israel turned 73 years young. I say “young” because in the grand scheme of history, especially Jewish history, 73 years is a relatively short span. I also say “young” because I see in Israel a youthful spirit and dynamism that is vital and exciting. And I say “young” because Israel Continue Reading »
Charoset is the star of the Seder plate. Amidst the parsley and lamb shanks, this sweet, sticky treat teases and tantalizes as we make our way through the storytelling, evoking the mortar used by the enslaved Israelites. Through the centuries, Jews have spread across the four corners of the earth and brought the story of Continue Reading »
Pesach: A Paradigm for Liberation from the Pandemic It is tempting to think of the Exodus from Egypt as a giant leap from slavery to freedom. The final plagues unfold, breaking Pharaoh’s will to resist. He relents and lets the Israelites depart. Our people pack their bags, grab the dough that hasn’t risen, and leave. Continue Reading »