October 16, 2024, 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
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Come join us to celebrate Sukkot.
Our evening will start in the sukkah with brief holiday blessings and songs and a special welcome for our newest members. Then we’ll enjoy a pot-luck dinner. (Update on Tuesday afternoon: With the chilly weather, we’re going to be inside for most of the evening, venturing out just for a quick blessing.) Please bring a parve or dairy (meat-free, no pork, no shellfish) entree, side dish, dessert, or beverage to share. Plan your pot-luck contribution to be enough to share with 8-10 people.
After dinner, there will be a song session.
Use this link to register and let us know you’re coming and what you’re bringing. We look forward to seeing you!
Want to build your own Sukkah? Check out this simple design and instructions from our own Dave Cohen. You can order your own lulav and etrog from hadaretrogim.com
To learn more about Sukkot and for additional resources to enhance your holiday, visit this holiday description.