HOME Volunteer Training

October 15, 2024, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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For more than 25 years, Temple Beth-El has been hosting homeless families in our building in collaboration with HOME of Somerset County (formerly IHN).

The HOME Network of Somerset County (Formerly IHNSC) is a not-for-profit organization that provides many layers of services for homeless families with children. HOME provides a valuable service as most other programs for homeless families do not provide the range of services to families with children.

Typically families call Temple Beth-El “home” for a week. Getting involved requires only a few hours from one to six times a year; you choose your level of involvement. Every volunteer is an important mentor to our HOME families.

Topics to be covered in this training session:

  • HOME/TBE Guest Rules
  • Volunteer Roles & Responsibilities by shift
  • Shift change logistics
  • Where we keep everything in the HOME room
  • Importance of having all our mobile #’s and email addresses
  • Volunteer Recruiting… Scouts Introduced
  • General discussion… Q&A

The training will occur in Room 112 (HOME Room). A Zoom link will be provided prior to the meeting for those unable to attend in person. If you have any questions, contact Mark Reynolds, HOME Coordinator.