Posted on March 5, 2018 by Lillian Swickle
Passover is my favorite Jewish holiday of the year. Why, you may ask? It certainly isn’t because of the delicious matzah, that’s for sure! (I confess, though. I do like to make matzah brie…)
No. I love Passover because of the message of the holiday. “Remember, you were strangers.”
I remember when my family first joined Temple Beth-El in 1969, before many of you were born. We were strangers here and didn’t know anyone. We were warmly welcomed by the then congregants, many of whom have remained my steadfast friends since that time.
We welcome people to Temple Beth-El in many ways. We greet “strangers” and invite them to sit with us at services. We welcome guests who are being hosted by IHN (Interfaith Hospitality Network) and who live with us for a week. We strike up a conversation that turns into a friendship. This is one of the aspects I love most about Temple Beth-El.
I want to make sure that my beloved temple remains strong. With that objective, I have chaired the legacy gift committee these last couple of years and have encouraged many congregants to consider doing what I have done – make a legacy gift to Temple Beth-El. Mine is as a bequest to temple in my will.
Perhaps you, too, will make a legacy gift. When you make such a commitment, you help to ensure that this wonderful, welcoming congregation remains strong for future generations long after we are gone. Rest assured that no one knows the amount of your intended gift when you make the promise. That would be known only after you have left this earth.
I would be happy to discuss this further. Please feel free to contact me or a member of the committee. I look forward to our conversation.
Lillian Swickle,
Chair, Legacy Circle